


En Casa de La Artista / At The Artist's

La artista, Sachenka Oropeza, mostrándonos sus obras. The Artist, Sachenka Oropeza, showing us her art-pieces.

Disfrutamos de una tertulia exquisita con La Artista, Sachenka Oropeza; su padre, el escritor Dr. José Napoleón Oropeza, La jurista Eluvia Laranisse Oropeza, el renombrado estilista Miguel Angel García y nuestro querido y afamado Sommelier, José Manuel González, quien estuvo de visita en el país por solo unos días.
La artista nos deleitó en la intimidad de su hogar con un muestra selecta de sus obras.


2 comentarios:

  1. This is peculiar. Never thought of anyone utilizing hair in a work of art. Are there any of your pieces exhibited in the States? Where can they be seen?

  2. Hi there, well actually, i don´t have my work exhibited in the states...besides my country Venezuela the only museum that has a piece of my work is the Matanzas Museum in Cuba, i got a invitation trought the Alejandro Otero Museum here in Venezuela and i flew there to exhibited them...Thanks for your comments, i apreciate and value it them...
